
Prayer - Fasting - Scripture

The 40 days of Lent (excluding Sundays), echo the 40 years Israel spent in the wilderness, as well as the 40 days of prayer and fasting undertaken by Moses, Elijah, and most significantly, by Jesus in preparation for his life of ministry.

This Lent we’re using the book of Daniel to encourage and inspire us to live lives of faith under pressure, as we prepare our hearts leading up to Easter, through the practices of prayer, fasting, and scripture.


Throughout Lent we’re gathering to pray on Zoom each Wednesday from 7:00-7:30am, to contend for each other, our church, our community, and our city.

This will run from Wed 5th March to Wed 16th April 2025.

You can also find out more about our other regular rhythms of prayer.


We’re encouraging people to fast on Wednesdays during Lent, abstaining from food as an expression of devotion & trust in God.

We don’t simply want to fast for the sake of fasting. As we abstain from food, our aim is to turn instead to prayer and scripture, deepening our devotional lives and relying on God to sustain us.

If Wednesdays don’t work for you practically, or if fasting from food would be unwise for medical reasons, there are loads of other ways to participate - see below for more resources on fasting.

  • Start where you’re at
    If you've never fasted before, don't feel you have to do a big chunk to begin with, however a longer and more regular fast may be right for others.

    Pick a regular & achievable period of time/day
    We’re recommending Wednesdays as a good day to fast, the same day we’re meeting to pray on Zoom from 7:00-7:30am. Maybe skip breakfast and/or lunch on Wednesdays, and break your fast at dinner as you feast and celebrate God’s goodness.

    Notice your emotions
    There may be uncomfortable things that come to the surface. Take note of what is coming to mind and bring it to God in prayer. It may be helpful to journal across the weeks of Lent to track any themes and share them with a friend where appropriate.

    As we fast from food, we feast on God and open ourselves up to his presence in our lives, making space for him to do in us what we can’t do for ourselves.

  • There are various forms of fasting which vary from tradition to tradition, but we would differentiate between four main types:

    The Full Fast
    This is the elimination of all food for a period of time. Some might only drink water, others might drink fruit juices at standard mealtimes. Ordinarily this might be for a day or a number of days. This is the normal type of fast found in the Bible.

    The Partial Fast
    This is where food is eaten, but not at certain times – for example: forgoing breakfast and lunch, but eating in the evening.

    The Selective (or ‘Daniel’) Fast
    This is where particular foods are not eaten during a period of fasting. In Daniel 10, Daniel fasted from ‘choice foods, meat and wine’ for a period of 21 days and then he received a breakthrough. It would be common for people undertaking a ‘Daniel fast’ to eliminate snacks, sweet foods, treats, meats and alcohol. With this type of fast, it’s important to remember to prioritise prayer, as hunger won’t be so much of a prompt as with other kinds of fasting.

    The Soul Fast
    This is where certain elements of distraction and/or entertainment are eliminated either entirely, or during certain periods of time. It could mean coming off all or various forms of social media and/or TV/Netflix altogether or during certain hours, in order to pray. It could mean limiting ‘screen time’ each day. This type of fasting is encouraged for everyone, either alongside a food fast of some type, or in place of a food fast, for those who are unable to fast from food, or for whom it is unwise.

If you’d like further guidance we’d recommend the Practicing the Way material which includes a 4-part series on fasting.

There’s also a great chapter on fasting in Richard Foster’s book ‘Celebration of Discipline’.


This Lent we’re using the book of Daniel to encourage and inspire us to live lives of faith under pressure. Alongside prayer and fasting you could read through the relevant sections of Daniel each week, which we’ll also be exploring in our Sunday talks.

-Wed 5th March - Daniel 1a - Life in Babylon

-Wed 12th March - Daniel 1b - A line in the sand

-Wed 19th March - Daniel 3 - Stand up worship

-Wed 26th March - Daniel 4 - The dream fulfilled

-Wed 2nd April - Daniel 5 - The writing on the wall

-Wed 9th April - Daniel 6 - Defiant prayer

-Wed 16th April - Daniel 7 - Prophetic vision

If you’d like to dig deeper into the book of Daniel we’d recommend this video from the Bible Project.

We’d also recommend the following commentatries:

-Daniel (Tyndale series) by Joyce Baldwin

-Daniel (NIV Application series) by Tremper Longman III